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超级管理员 2024-03-27 15:19:33 滚动卷 119 ℃





How does your family celebrate Mother's Day?Do you bring Mom breakfast in bed?Doyou give her flowers,or make her a card?The original mother's days were observed ratherdifferently—to go out into the community to help the needy.

Julia Ward Howe was the first person to propose a national mother's day.She played aleadership role in trying to remove the causes of war,and improve working conditions inmines,provide better education for poor children,and allow women to vote.She became areformer for peace who endorsed the equality of all people,regardless of race,religion,orgender.

In 1872,Howe organized Mothers'Peace Day,which became an annual celebration insome cities.But the day never became a national holiday.Mother's Day,as we now know it,instead owes its origin to the efforts of Ann Jarvis.

Like Julia,Ann appealed to the strength and dedication of mothers to improve socialconditions and help the poor.In 1858,Ann began Mothers'Work Days.Infection anddisease were common in her town.Ann begged doctors to teach her how to improve thehealth of their families.Throughout the county,Mothers'Work Day Clubs,organized by

Ann,provided medicine for the poor,and attended to families where the mother was sick.She hoped that someone would found a memorial mather's day for the matchless service inewery field of life.

When Ann Jarvis died in 1905,Anna determined to fulfill her mother's wish.The ideaof a day honoring mothers spread quickly throughout the country and became official in

1914,when President signed a resolution establishing the second Sunday in May asMother's Day.

Despite this,she was dismayed by the commereialization of the holiday,especially byAmerican florists,for whom it was a windfall opportunity for selling carnations and otherflowers.“This is not what I intended,"she said."I wanted it to be a day of memory,notprofit."

On Mother's Day,you can tell your mother why you love her,and thank her.Talk toyour mom about the mothers of Mother's Day.You might find an opportunity to go into thecommunity to act for peace and caring,together.

28.The author raises three questions in paragraph 1 mainly to __________.

A.suggest an approach to celebrating Mother's Day

B,inspire people to focus more on the community

C,compare Mother's Day in different cultures

D.introduce the topic of Mother's Day



